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Flora Marie Gabrielle Cusumano Writer

The web site contains the thoughts, essays, poetry, and literature created by Flora Cusumano, Flora Marie Cusumano and of the pen name Gabrielle Cusumano, or Gabrielle Flora Marie Cusumano. Also included are journalistic references to news items with commentary and opinion pieces by Flora Marie Gabrielle Cusumano and under the pen name of Gabrielle Flora Marie Cusumano

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Don't Doubt Your Values In A World Gone Politically Wacko !

Don't Doubt Your Values In A World Gone Political Wacko !

Woke up this morning to some disturbing news. One of our world's "good guys", Steve Irwin of Crocodile Hunter fame died suddenly after being stabbed in the heart by a stingray's poisonous barb. Irwin at 44, died leaving two small children fatherless and a hole in the hearts of many viewers who "valued" his spirited expertise, entertaining friendliness and kindness to all animals.

There was the news item that UN Secretary General Kofi Annan is negotiating the release of the two "kidnapped" Israeli soldiers for 1,000 Palestinian prisoners held by Israel. Two for one thousand! Within the American values, does this make sense?

There was also the news that the War in Iraq is not considered to be part of The War on Terror. On September 5, 2006, (only 6 days from the fifth anniversary of September 11th destruction of the World Trade Center Towers)it is being reported that the Congressional elections to be held in November will be decided by whether Americans believe Iraq is the main battleground of the War on Terrorism.

The fact that this is is being fiercely debated across our nation, even though both Osama bin Laden and his number two man, Ayman al-Zawahiri have in audio tapes have called, (in his (bin Laden's words) “the war in Iraq and Afghanistan the fronts" in the War on Terror," is almost ludicrous.

This debate and argumentive reports in our Main Stream Media have to be affronts to our American values and intelligence since both men have alluded to "the US and coalition allies have determined the primary fronts in the war, and al-Qaeda is forced to operate primarily in those environments."

Bin Laden notes in his January, 2006 released taped that it wasn’t his intention to speak about this issue. “I had not intended to speak to you about this issue, because, for us, this issue is already decided: diamonds cut diamonds."

"Praise be to God, our conditions are always improving, becoming better, while yours are the opposite.” then says that the “repeated fallacies of your President Bush” are behind his current words and bin Laden’s view of American efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Bin Laden believes that the American public is no longer supportive of the war in Iraq and since the war in Iraq is “raging” and Afghanistan rising in the favor of his (bin Laden’s) allies, he offers a truce. These thoughts and ideas are from the man who after taking credit for September 11th, I would hope all Americans agree is a terrorist and a enemy in the War with Terrorism.

Americans are being bombarded everyday by political situations and conequences of world wide international events, which are so skewered as confound and confront not only our national values but our personal values.

Most often now days what goes on in Asia, Europe and the Middle East over nuclear weapons, oil, sanctions, boundaries, non-nation nations (such as Palestinian Palestine) makes no sense at all, but appear to be blackmailers blackmailing the blackmailed in business as usual. All hands are dirty or suspected as such, since all politics, international affairs and negotiations, war and peace, freedom or fascism are such dirty businesses in the first place.

Often it seems that the world has gone berserk in trying to reconcile what is and what is not right or wrong. Our values have been compromised for so long by "political correctness" that often one looks around at who's listening or who's nearby, before one will express what we think and feel is right. We have all felt pc policed at one time or another by either society or our own selves in taking a stand, a position or giving an opinion. Most of us feel guilty before we even speak and so we stand mute and agree with the status quo, shaking our heads in disbelief that things have gotten so nonsensical or absurb.

The solution: Don't doubt your values in a world gone politically wacko! Remind yourself often of the children's story, "The Emperor's New Clothes" and remember the child's exclaimation and the truth of it, "The emperor is naked and is not wearing any clothes!", let alone new and fine ones.

Stick with what you can believe with your own eyes and ears. Research what you are told or read before you accept it, and weigh your findings with your internal knowledge and sense of right and wrong.

Ask yourself which way the wind is blowing in your own mind, sense or nonsense? What is your gut feeling, truth or lie? And lastly the most important question to ask yourself and your hold on your values, can you stand up for your beliefs and stay firm in them always, no matter what?

Ask your heart to remind you of who you really are and your values will be like the stones of a mighty fortress which can not be swayed or destroyed ever.

[quotes of bin Laden's tape are from Marvin Hutchen's ThreatsWatch.org. analysis of bin Laden's January, 2006 released tape message.]