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Flora Marie Gabrielle Cusumano Writer

The web site contains the thoughts, essays, poetry, and literature created by Flora Cusumano, Flora Marie Cusumano and of the pen name Gabrielle Cusumano, or Gabrielle Flora Marie Cusumano. Also included are journalistic references to news items with commentary and opinion pieces by Flora Marie Gabrielle Cusumano and under the pen name of Gabrielle Flora Marie Cusumano

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

"Path to 9/11" Program Based On The "Truths" in These Books

The "Path to 9/11" Program Based On The "Truths" in These Books. Here's the short list:

The Cell: Inside the 9/11 Plot, and Why the FBI and CIA Failed to Stop It (Hardcover)by John Miller, Michael Stone, Chris Mitchell (Editor)

Dereliction of Duty: The Eyewitness Account of How Bill Clinton Endangered America's Long-Term National Security (Hardcover)by Robert Patterson

The Connection : How al Qaeda's Collaboration with Saddam Hussein Has Endangered America (Hardcover) by Stephen F. Hayes "

If you are into being knowledgeable about what's happen and became of the United States since September 11, 2001, you may have read these three books,or at least heard of them.

Originally when "The Path to 9/11" (Part One) was aired on Sunday night "The Cell: Inside the 9/11 Plot, and Why the FBI and CIA Failed to Stop It" was listed as one of the books (besides the (9/11 Commission's Report) as where information to base and write the screenplay had come from.

As I watched the docu-drama unfold I saw how closely it followed chapter by chapter of The Cell which is an excellent book, well researched and a serious work of investigation by its writers on the events leading to September 11.

Personally I believe everything written between its hardcover's 348 pages is true and can not be disputed. It will come closer to the real truth of facts of why September 11th happened, than any FBI Top Secret documents which ever existed pre 9/11 or after the death and carnage occurred.

Here is a snippet of a Copyright 2002 review by Cahners Business Information, Inc. which explains the whole and intention of the book:

"The plot is tangled, but through it Miller, Stone and Mitchell follow two threads from 1990 up to September 11, 2001: first, "the cell," actually a series of terrorist cells, beginning with the one responsible for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing a cell that, in one of their most illuminating revelations, the authors trace directly back to El Sayyid Nosair, convicted of murdering Rabbi Meir Kahane in 1990. The second thread is the Joint Terrorist Task Force, an FBI/NYPD squad whose sharp and dedicated members are the heroes of this tale, doggedly investigating the cells and their connections when not blocked by higher-ups. Miller, now coanchor of ABC TV's 20/20, scored an interview in 1998 with bin Laden, whose chilling words he repeats here ("You will leave [Saudi Arabia] when the youth send you in wooden boxes and coffins"). Miller, Stone (a noted criminal investigative journalist) and Mitchell (a senior editor at The Week) connect a lot of dots in this frightening and important book." Copyright 2002 Cahners Business Information, Inc. "

The second book is titled "Dereliction of Duty: The Eyewitness Account of How Bill Clinton Endangered America's Long-Term National Security" (Hardcover) by Robert Patterson.

Here in this book are the facts of the two times Osama bin Laden was in the crosshairs of being captured (before September 11th) told by "Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Robert "Buzz" Patterson who was a military aide to President Clinton from May 1996 to May 1998 and one of five individuals entrusted with carrying the "nuclear football"—the bag containing the codes for launching nuclear weapons."

Even if one chooses to ignore all else in the book where Lieutenant Colonel Robert "Buzz" Patterson writes on what he saw during his time of serving President Clinton in the White House, the chapters on the how and why bin Laden was never captured when the US had the clear and decisive ability to do so can not be ignored. The Path to September 11 could only allude to what are the facts written in this book by a man who saw with his own eyes why the US let bin Laden slip away twice.

The third book "The Connection : How al Qaeda's Collaboration with Saddam Hussein Has Endangered America
(Hardcover) by Stephen F. Hayes, is a well research and documented book on why the War on Terror after 9/11 took the United States into The War in Iraq.

Many facts in this book are based on top-secret Iraqi Intelligence documents found when the American soldiers arrived in Baghdad, and interviews with high-ranking Bush and Clinton Administration officials. “The Connection” with evidence, shows that Sadam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, Iraqi Intelligence and Mohamed Atta and even Jordanian born Iraqi terrorist Zaqawari had all interconnected and were not waging unrelated and separate wars against the US.

I will update this list later in the week with more books and articles which will help Americans realize that The Path to 9/11 wasn't some made up fantasy of a politically conservative screenplay writer. The events and facts which the story was based on are true and are alarming.

Link: http://abc.go.com/movies/thepathto911/index.html