Becoming A Writer Again
A potential employer remarked the other day that they couldn't consider me for a particular job because I hadn't blogged here since September of 2006. One needed to blog at least three time a week she wrote me. I wrote her to go to my other blog...Gabrielle, where I post two or three time a day, let alone three times a week! But that was not acceptable since hardly any of the writing is my own, except for the headlines. So I didn't get the job. (Looking for a copywriting job in reporting, advertising or blogging)
You see there is plenty of news out there which never reaches the American how our Troops in Iraq feel about the non-binding resolution the US House of Representatives ( with the majority of Democrats and 17 Republicans)took this last Friday, voting against the troop surge. Or how the Main Stream Media, especially CNN has no problem being outrageous showing an insurgent group's video of a sniper killing an American soldier while conversing with Iraqi citizens, but doesn't report that the infamous Juba, a sniper known for killing American soldiers, was caught by his stalked American prey. (Go to or Gabrielle Cusumano (Michigan) in Your Blogs to see the range of topics I've covered in 170+ posts)
So what I have been doing is posting article after article and videos of all the unseemly stuff that never gets printed let alone read. Since September of 2006, I have had some success, though it be small in 6,000 plus page views and visits, many from overseas predominately Europe, but often from Iran (which even raised my eyebrows a bit.)
But I haven't been writing, I haven't been giving my vewpoint nor my opinion. A close, wise, friend once remarked that I ought to be the "mouth" in regards to these worldly issues, not the "voice". At the time I couldn't quite understand what he meant, yet over the last few months I have come to understand. Yet researching, connecting and writing found ideas, giving them copy and to an audience who are still individuals in their own minds, who want to understand and try to know the truth, that is what I ought to be doing with my life and with my God given talents.
So I'm going to make sense of it all and all that I am reading, and I will try to start pondering and writing again here, on this thought full blog of mine.